For a business account, the required documents include a valid trade license, certificate of incorporation or registration, share certificates, company memorandum, articles of association and passport copies of shareholders and shareholders’ signatures. Business owners may be asked for additional documents depending on the bank, type of business activity industry and legal structure of the company.
Weigh your options
While some banks may require you to maintain a minimum balance of up to AED 3,000 in an account, many waive this requirement if a monthly salary is transferred. Banks in the UAE typically offer three types of current accounts: a basic account requiring a low minimum balance requirement and offering basic services such as an ATM card; a salary account to which your salary gets transferred electronically each month; and a premium account that offer extra perks and benefits such as higher withdrawal limits, fixed or flexible deposits and foreign currency accounts.
Now that you understand the process of opening a bank account in the UAE and the various documents required, you can avoid many of the common mistakes people make after moving to the country. Better yet, you can help make the transition period for other newcomers a lot smoother by sharing this article.
**Please note that this is all based on each bank as each bank may request more/ less documents. The purpose of this article is just to help you understand which documents might be needed for opening an account.