The Power of Profiling
Similar to how investors are profiled, investment products are also rated for their riskiness. Savvy investors and investment managers aim to match investment products to risk profiles. They analyze risk-bearing ability, investment goals, and available time frame, and then find the right products that fit these criteria. Doing this puts the investor’s comfort and goals at the forefront of investment decisions, and ensures the right balance in allocation of assets.
What is my Investor Profile?
The process of determining an investor’s profile usually begins with a simple questionnaire comprising questions such as age, assets, liabilities, income, occupation, educational qualification, investment time horizon, risk tolerance, risk attitude, investment objective and knowledge and experience in various financial products. Your answers are used to determine your investor profile and assign you a rating. This rating usually ranges from 1 to 6, with 1 being the most conservative and 6 being the most aggressive. It is important to note that there is no “good” or “bad” rating; rather these ratings are simply indicators of how comfortable you are investing in products with varying levels of risk and return.
Keeping Your Profile Updated
If you invest in products that do not match your profile, you may be putting too many or too few eggs in the wrong baskets. This can lead to an imbalance in your overall asset allocation, poor investment returns, and zero peace of mind. Think of your investor profile as the equivalent of a driver’s license; you don’t begin driving without one, and you make sure it is constantly renewed. In the same way, your investor profile should be reassessed periodically to ensure that your portfolio is in line with your appetite and objectives at any given time. This way, you can rest easy knowing that your investment portfolio is tailored to you.
Ready to figure out your investor profile and start investing? Investment managers at Citi are on standby to help you get started. Click here to create a new investor profile or update your existing one through our mobile banking application or click here to complete it through our Citibank online web portal. If you need assistance, you may also reach out to your Citigold relationship manager.