Paying your expenses with a credit card is a smart way to spend money as it’s the best way to earn reward points, air miles, cashback and other perks. With Citi PayAll– a first-of-its-kind payment solution in the UAE – credit cardholders can turn their big payments into rewards that they can maximize over time.
What’s covered?
City PayAll covers big-ticket expenses and everything from yearly or monthly rents and school fees to residential property management fees. It eliminates the need to pay for such transactions using cash, cheques or auto-pay and gives the customer more flexibility.
In the UAE, the above-mentioned expenses are usually paid for with post-dated cheques or debit cards. The Citi PayAll feature gives the cardholder the ability to make larger payments, free up cash flow and maximize rewards like ThankYou Points, Skywards Miles, cashback; getting them one step closer to that long-awaited dream holiday or shopping spree. Want to know how? Read more!
How it works?
Accessible through the Citi Mobile® App, Citi PayAll offers account holders simple way to keep tabs on their expenses, while giving them plenty of opportunities to earn rewards points, miles, cashback or statement credit for each payment made. In order to use this payment solution, you will need to have an Emirates-Citibank Ultima/ Ultimate/ World, Citi Prestige, Citi Premier, Citi Rewards, Citi Cashback, or a Citi Simplicity credit card.
Let’s say you want to want to use this feature to pay your children’s school fees on the app. This can easily be done by following a few simple steps:
- Schedule the payment as a one-time or recurring transaction that would reflect on your credit card statement.
- Make note of the type of payment (in this case you would enter "school fees", as well as recipient information (this can be an organization, company or individual).
- Before the payment is made, you will be able to see the reward that will be earned and the small fee that applies on each transaction.
- The last step involves reviewing all details and confirming the payment.