You can track your expenses and budget
When you pay for online purchases with cash on delivery, it can be hard to remember where the money went. And although you are usually emailed a receipt for each individual purchase, you still need to account for everything manually to figure out if you’re sticking to your budget. On the other hand, when you make a purchase against a credit card online or offline (in stores), the transaction automatically shows up in your account almost immediately. This allows you to track your expenses on a periodic basis, so you have an overview of your financial situation.
Travel bookings can be made easily
Now that travel has begun to rebound, you’re probably thinking of booking hotel rooms or air tickets again. In most cases, you will need a credit card to secure a hotel room when making an online reservation – even here in the UAE. While debit cards may be accepted in some cases, this is usually not the norm, and hotels or smaller accommodation venues may ask you to pay an advance by bank transfer instead. But when travel is uncertain because of constantly changing regulations, getting a refund can be a tedious and cumbersome process. With a credit card, the process is often easier and smoother.
Credit cards can improve your credit score
In the UAE, the Al Etihad Credit Bureau assesses your monetary dealings and creates a report or score that indicates how likely you are to fulfil your financial obligations. A good credit score makes it easier to get loans and even open bank accounts in the UAE.
One of the most important factors in your credit report is how well you manage your current financial obligations. You don’t need to have a credit card for a good credit score but using your credit card carefully and responsibly can have a positive impact on your credit-worthiness.
With the combination of safety, and rewards points, credit cards carry several benefits over debit cards for online shoppers in the UAE. Using credit cards can work in your favour.
This article is part of a series of features on spending responsibly while making the most of life in the UAE. Consider sharing it online with friends and family.