Ultimately, don’t be afraid of making mistakes; everyone makes them at some point. Think about the ‘worst case scenario’ and come up with possible solutions in the event of it happening. Doing this can eliminate fear and free you to take the jump. And sometimes, not making a decision/doing nothing is the worst-case scenario.
That said, even if the decision you do make doesn't work out, don’t beat yourself up. No one is correct 100% of the time. Besides, hindsight is 20-20 vision, meaning that some situations are simply unpredictable. If anyone had told you in 2019 that the entire world would be locked down for months, you probably would have laughed them off. Look back, but only to learn the lessons if there are any, course correct and then move on. That in itself is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself — the decision to keep moving forward.
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