Each financial product has its own benefits. A credit card is the earliest kind of virtual wallet, allowing you to pay for purchases as you go and may even offer rewards such as air miles or loyalty points. Depending on your credit limit, you may also be able to take a small loan on your card for immediate, short-term payments. A personal loan, on the other hand, allows you to pay for one-off, bigger-ticket items – such as a wedding in the family. It lets you settle a big bill at a single point in time, and pay back the amount over a longer period – usually up to 48 months. The financial product you choose should be determined by how you’re going to be using it. You may want to have both.
What fees does the loan carry?
A UAE personal loan may be released with a number of associated processing fees in addition to the interest. Such charges typically cover documentation, background checks, employment verification and whatever else the lender may require to guarantee their capital. These fees are often expressed as a percentage of the total amount, so it’s worth asking about them for a clear picture of all the charges that you may incur.
Does the loan come with any extra benefits?
The peace of mind obtained by paying off a big bill is a major benefit in itself, but in the UAE, you can always expect a little something extra. Personal loans are no different, with banks offering benefits such as shopping or gift vouchers for those who take out personal loans. Such incentives should only be considered if you normally make similar purchases; a gift voucher for something you do not need is not a benefit.
What’s the tenor of the loan?
The period over which the loan is to be repaid, the tenor, affects the total amount you need to pay back. As interest is charged on the reducing balance of the loan on a monthly basis, a shorter tenor will incur lower overall interest.
Do early settlement charges apply?
A small but important question to consider is how much it’s going to cost to repay your loan early. While you certainly won’t be charged the entire original interest amount, you may still be charged some penalty allowed as per UAE Central Bank guidelines. Being aware of such charges allows you to plan ahead.