Card Details

Please fill in following details to convert your transaction to Easy Installment Plan with 0% interest rate.
It will take up to 7 working days for Citibank representative to complete the booking.
In case further information is required, our representative will get in touch with you.

Merchant Name

  • Minimum Purchase Amount (AED) -

    Maximum Purchase Amount (AED) -

  • Product Specification to 0% Easy Installment Plan

    0% EPP is valid for Emirates Citibank Credit Card only

Tenor (Month)

  • I acknowledge that the information provided above is correct and is to be used for converting my purchase to 0% Easy Installment Plan.
  • Easy Installment Plan request will be processed at 0% interest and there is no early settlement fee associated with the service.
  • Easy Installment Plans can also be availed at reducing balance interest rate up to 39.00% per annum for up to 48 months from any channels.
  • Final approval of the Easy Installment Plan will be determined by Citi in its absolute discretion and is subject to Citi's credit and risk processing criteria. In case transaction amount is paid off or it is billed in statement, the transaction will not be converted to Easy Installment Plan.
  • By inquiring about our services, offers or products, you will be authorizing our representatives to approach you through your contact details, including your telephone / mobile number.
  • Warning: If you do not meet the repayments/payments on your loan/financing, your account will go into arrears. This may affect your credit rating, which may limit your ability to access financing in the future.
  • Installment amount will form a part of your monthly statement and will be added to your minimum amount due. In case you pay less than the minimum due, the installment amount will be subject to finance charges. If you miss payment for over 60 consecutive days from the last payment made, the entire outstanding amount of loan will become part of entire card outstanding and standard interest rate as mentioned in the Schedule of Charges shall be applicable.
  • Citibank Terms and Conditions apply, are subject to change and are available on our website and refer to Section D (2)(c). Partner terms and conditions also apply. Citibank N.A. – UAE Branch makes no warranties and assumes no liability or responsibility with respect to the product and services provided by partner(s) / other entity(ies). Citibank, N.A. - UAE Branch is licensed by Central Bank of UAE as a branch of a foreign bank.
  • Processing fee applies for the 0% Easy Installment Plan and shall vary based on the merchant and tenor selection. Details can be seen above in the "Product Specification to 0% Easy Installment Plan" part.



  • 0% EPP is valid for Emirates Citibank Credit Card only
  • Emirates Advantage Program is only applicable for online purchased tickets at where the "credit card" option was chosen at the time of booking. Tickets issued using any other payment option are not eligible for this payment option.
  • The journey need to depart with origin from Dubai only
  • Bookings initially made with the "Hold my Fare" option, but then subsequently paid by credit card are not eligible for this instalment option. Bookings made using "Cash+Miles" or "Stored card Option" will not receive the option to apply, however can be enrolled manually with a request to the Emirates office in the UAE, within 24 hours of purchase only.