Card Services
Repayment options that suit your needs, with lower interest rates and smaller installments.
Citibank Terms and Conditions apply, are subject to change and are available upon request. For the current Terms and Conditions, please click here(opens in a new tab) and refer to Section D (2)(b). The offer is available on a best effort basis and at the sole discretion of Citibank, N. A. -UAE Branch, Citibank N.A. -UAE Branch makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility in respect to the products and services provided by partners. Citibank, N.A. - UAE Branch is licensed by the Central Bank of the UAE as a branch of a foreign bank.
Warning: Refinancing your loans/financing may take longer to pay off than your previous loan/financing and may result in paying more in interest/profit
Warning: You may have to pay penalties if you pay off a loan/financing early. Should you choose to do early-settlement or cancel your installment plan before the chosen tenor, please call Citiphone on 04-3114000 to place the request. Please note that upon early settlement, a 1% early settlement fee exclusive of VAT will be charged on the principal outstanding amount, and due interest will be charged till the date the loan is active.
Warning: If you do not meet the repayments/payments on your loan/financing, your account will go into arrears. This may affect your Credit rating, which may limit your ability to access financing in the future. Installment amount will form a part of your monthly statement and will be added to your minimum amount due. In case you pay less the minimum due the installment amount will be subject to finance charges. If you miss payment for over 60 consecutive days from the last payment made, the entire outstanding amount of loan will become part of entire card outstanding and standard interest rate as mentioned in the Schedule of Charges shall be applicable.